Beaverton School District
A school district in Beaverton, Oregon.
Beaverton School District in Beaverton, Oregon, embarked on a multi-year upgrade of their auditoriums. PNTA was engaged to work on several projects with the school district through several different general contractors. We installed automated hoist systems, cable management systems and performed improvements at various schools throughout the district. One of the more notable projects to date, was installing several P1 Prodigy hoists over the auditorium at Beaverton High School. Limited access, and oddly shaped existing structures posed extra challenges that our team gracefully handled.
Type of Work: Motorized Rigging
Products Used:
ETC Prodigy P1
ETC QuickTouch®
Our solution? For Beaverton High School PNTA developed custom brackets to turn wooden beams into suitable mounting points for the hoists, and 16 unique shims to correct the angle of the beams so the hoist motors could be lined up squarely on the new hang points. We also provided retrofit cable management solutions to several other schools.
PNTA continues to service Beaverton School District as a return vendor, upgrading additional auditoriums within the school district.